OnLAN Messenger Administrator Manual
Contents and system requirements
Installation and setup
    Loading the server
Setting up the OnLAN Monitor module
Setting up the OnLAN Server module
       License activation
Setting the database file path
Saving data to the database
Setting up the main parameters
    Loading the client
Client setup
Advanced setup
       Choosing the network interface
Registering debug information
Management tools
    Managing the OnLAN Server
Managing the OnLAN Messenger
       Control console
       Testing the server
Testing the client
Managing online users
Modifying the database
          Modifying group policies
Modifying standard groups
Modifying user registration data
Using Microsoft Access to manage the database
       Authorizing new contact creation
Managing active http-sessions
Audit tools
          Managing logs
             Event log
Command history
Message history
Unsent message log
Unsent message status log
    Managing data through the web-interface
Updating and deleting
    Updating OnLAN Messenger
       Refreshing the license
Updating the server version
Updating the client version
    Deleting OnLAN Messenger
       Deleting the client
Deleting client groups
Deleting the server
    Event log-files
Codes in use
Ports in use
Group policy keys
Modifying group policies

Having established a connection with the database by means of setting the path to the database file in the "DataBase" field of the "OnLAN Server" window, you can begin to modify the policy properties through the OnLAN Server module.

Modifying the policies can be done using the OnLAN Server tools in the "Policy editor" window, as shown on pic #12. This menu can be opened through "Policy" -> "Policy editor" in the "OnLAN Server" window (pic #3).

Pic #12.

In the upper part of the window you will see a list of existing group policies.

The OnLAN Messenger standard package contains the following default policies:
- basic "Administrator_policy" (administrator policy) and "User_policy" (user policy);
- additional "HTTPUserViewInfo" (web-interface administrators policy) and "User_policy_only_receive_messages" (limited rights user policy).

Administrators have full rights in the use, control and setup of the OnLAN Messenger service. Some setup and control rights restrictions apply to users. Web-interface administrators can access the system information through the web-interface in addition to their regular user rights. They can also get any of the users' passwords in order to login the client. Limited rights users have the right to only receive instant messages.

To the right of the name of each policy in the "Policy editor" window is a short description of the policy. All the fields of the list can be edited.

In the middle part of the window is a list of policy keys for the selected policy.

The lower part of the window contains two drop-down menus: a list of keys and a list of the possible key values. The possible values list depends on the key selected in the list next to the values list. In order to see the value of a particular key of the selected policy, you need to select the key from the list of keys in the middle of the window. After this, you can change the key value, should you find it necessary, by choosing a different value or entering it manually.

In order to add a new policy, you need to left-click on the policy list in the upper part of the window and click "Add" in the options menu that appears. In order to delete a selected policy, you can press "Delete" in the said menu. The "Administrator_policy" and "User_policy" policies are the main policies in the system of differentiating access levels in OnLAN Messenger, therefore deleting them is impossible.

In order to add a new key for an existing policy, left-click on the list of keys in the middle part of the window and choose "Add" in the options menu that appears.

The list of keys available for a contact group policy can be seen in the Appendix.

Here's a list of some of the rules, which apply when setting keys for group policies:

1. Key values have two forms:
- action right: "Enable", "Disable" and "Undefined" - the most frequent form;
- parameter (e.g. the path for a default directory for saving files: key - "FILES: path to save", value "ñ:\").

2. In order to add all undesignated keys to the policy with their default values, you need to add a special key to the policy: "POLICY: AllOtherDefault values" and set its value to "Enable".
Please note: all keys that have anything to do with action rights in the web-interface have their values set to "Disable" by default.

3. Key names that determine rights to perform actions through the web-interface start with the keyword "HTTP".

4. If a key assumes the right to not only view information, but also change it, then its name will end with the keyword "- Edit".

5. If a key's value has the %userlogin% parameter, then this parameter will be automatically changed to the user's login name, when the policy is applied to a particular user
For a user with the login name "Smith" the key "FILES: path to save" has the value "P:\{%userlogin%}". This will set the default save to path to "P:\Smith" in the settings.

In order to delete a key from a policy, you need to select it, open the options menu by left-clicking on it and select "Delete".

All changes in the group policies are saved after pressing the "Save" button or when switching to a different value in any of the lists.

After this, the new policies will be applied to all users on their next login. In order to apply the new policy immediately for all active clients, you need to select the "Policy" -> "Apply policy to users" option in the "OnLAN Server" window, as shown on pic #3.

The default values for the policy keys that come with the standard package are listed in the table below:

Key nameValue
FILES: path to saveñ:\
HTTP interface administratorEnable
PROGRAM: Administrator for CLIENT (can close CLIENT)Enable
PROGRAM: Administrator's passwordghfdf
PROGRAM: Auto boot with systemEnable
PROGRAM: Auto loginEnable
FILES: allow receivingEnable
FILES: allow sendingEnable
HTTP (Apply policy to all)Disable
HTTP (Check users)Disable
HTTP (Clear Journal)Disable
HTTP (Clear UnSentState)Disable
HTTP (Clear Unsent)Disable
HTTP (Commands History)Disable
HTTP (Departments editor)Disable
HTTP (Departments editor) - EditDisable
HTTP (Journal, unsent, unsent states) - EditDisable
HTTP (New users)Disable
HTTP (New users) - EditDisable
HTTP (OnLine manage)Disable
HTTP (OnLine manage) - EditDisable
HTTP (Options)Disable
HTTP (Options) - EditDisable
HTTP (Policies editor)Disable
HTTP (Policies editor) - EditDisable
HTTP (ReLoad Contacts List)Disable
HTTP (Send Contacts List to all)Disable
HTTP (Sessions list)Disable
HTTP (Sessions list) - EditDisable
HTTP (Start and stop command executing)Disable
HTTP (Users editor)Enable
HTTP (Users editor) - EditDisable
HTTP (View Journal)Disable
HTTP (View UnSentState)Disable
HTTP (View Unsent)Disable
HTTP interface administratorEnable
PROGRAM: Auto boot with systemEnable
PROGRAM: Auto loginEnable
FILES: path to savec:\
PROGRAM: Administrator for CLIENT (can close CLIENT)Disable
PROGRAM: Auto boot with systemEnable
PROGRAM: Auto loginEnable
FILES: allow receivingDisable
FILES: allow sendingDisable
FILES: path to savec:\
MESSAGE: deny creatingEnable
PROGRAM: Administrator for CLIENT (can close CLIENT)Disable
PROGRAM: Auto boot with systemEnable
PPROGRAM: Auto loginEnable

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